newspaper hat
like a pirate’s
full of adventure and dreams
young hopes
glimmering stars
freedom to roam
just to the edge of the neighborhood
no worries
hakuna matata
other than a passing stomach ache
or knee scrape
happy years
of tickles and giggles
bubbles and wiggles
princess- or ninja-hood is reality
as long as the sun is in the sky
the truth of the world
hasn’t yet set in
oh, it will soon
the wallet and shiny cell phone
are a delight
until they ruin the games
cut off joy in its tracks
then the only question
is how to get back
to that newspaper hat
I wrote this poem as a longing to go back to another time. I think that's one of the best parts of poetry, that it transcends the here and now. In a few words, the perfect rhyme, or a powerful rhythm, a poem reminds each reader of something. Whether that something is an emotion, a memory, or a hope of what's to come, poetry aims to send each individual their own unique message. I write poetry for myself, to cope with my own feelings, but also with the thought that someone else can relate.